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At W.A.C.S we acknowledge that we are wonderfully and fearfully made by God.

Neuroscience research proves that physical movement and brain development work together, that's why it is vitally important to keep learning active! We all have the capability to learn and create and we believe play is the highest form of research. In years 0- 3 we provide rich exploration and experiences, learning through play.

“Play is the highest form of research” -Albert Einstein



In years 4-8 we transition into genius projects which focus heavily on student efficacy and leadership skills, with multiple options for exploration and experimentation.
Learning through Play and Projects offer holistic learning that inter connects many curriculum areas, and always acknowledges our special Christian character.

“Learning through play is a pedagogical approach where play is the valued mode of learning- where children can explore, experiment, discover, and solve problems in imaginative and playful ways.”

Ministry of Education, 2019

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